Ventures || Colwyn Bay 4

    • Web Design & Dev
  • 20 February 2015
  • 8601

Colwyn Bay 4 is a Christian Youth venture (camp) supported by CPAS. The organisers of CB4 have links with LGWD through ministry and worship, and LGWD got involved with the construction of a new website to support the venture.

With a strict set of guidelines and regulations provided by CPAS, LGWD was able to create a template and subsequent website that fit the bill.

The site boasted two members area, one for the youth and the other for the leaders where the organisers could contact and provide materials and resources for both parties.

In the later stages of the site, there was a step by step walkthrough system for booking a place on the summer venture which has since being removed due to CPAS launching an online payment system that had to be used instead.

The colours for the site change each year to follow CPAS guidelines and the site remains in full control of CB4 organisers with LGWD occassionally providing some support with additional features.

  • Start Date: 2009
  • End Date: Present
  • Status: Under client control

Client login

Status Update

Services Resumed

All LGWD systems are now restored. If you are experiencing any issues with any of your services, please raise a support ticket.