SLAM Study Booking

    • Web Design & Dev
  • 19 August 2015
  • 15442

A Phd student in the Sleep Language and Memory (SLAM) Lab at the University of York required an automated system for booking in their study candidates.

LGWD provided an integrated system with the Google Apps that the university had already employed. Providing a login authentication bridge for all the students to the site, and then utilising Google Calendar Appointment slots.

The system generates emails on successful application to the study and a final email is generated once the participant has booked a calendar appointment.

LGWD hosts the booking system for now and the underlying framework is built on Joomla!.

The template boasts a plain and simple Bootstrap3 look.

Due to completion of the owners participation in the SLAM Booking, the site has now closed.

  • Start Date: 2015
  • End Date: 2017
  • Status: Closed

Client login

Status Update

Services Resumed

All LGWD systems are now restored. If you are experiencing any issues with any of your services, please raise a support ticket.