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School Holiday Solutions

The very best childcare begins at home...

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Can you remember what it was like to be 18-25 years old? It’s harder for some of us than others! Leaving home, maybe for the first time, to live with a “strange” family in a foreign country is bound to generate mixed emotions for your Au Pair and for your family – a mix of excitement and apprehension. We’ve listed our top 6 handy hints on how to help your Au Pair settle in. 

  1. Make your Au Pair’s personal space in your home just that. The Au Pair’s room should be his/her own and your House Rules must make this clear to everyone in your household. A bunch of flowers or a handmade welcome painting will go a long way to making your Au Pair feel wanted.
  2. Encourage your Au Pair to phone, email or Skype home to confirm their safe arrival with you and say hello to his/her family too, if your Au Pair asks you to do so.
  3. Let your Au Pair settle in to her room, unpack and perhaps share a meal with you altogether as a family so that he/she knows who’s who before you work through what is expected of him/her.
  4. Write down the weekly plan of what your Au Pair needs to do when. Make sure that he/she understands all the things on the list and give your Au Pair the opportunity to ask questions.
  5. Always make sure your Au Pair can reach you or someone else you trust in case of emergency.
  6. Take time to chat to your Au Pair. This will allow both of you to discuss how things are going and make changes as necessary.

You can also find more guidance on our FAQs.

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01904 499314

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School Holiday Solutions LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC388513 and whose registered office is at Sycamore Farmhouse, 66 The Village, Strensall, York YO32 5XA.